
The Bush Plane version of the Escapade:

I like bush planes, but I don’t like planes that break in the bush. Walking out is not fun. My goal, and I think I have achieved it, was to build a rugged bush plane that will not break in the back country”

– Troy Woodland, Design Engineer. | Source

The Highlander

The Highlander price includes the Escapade package plus the following:

·         Extended Wings

·         Heavy Duty Extended Main Gear

·         8 inch Tail Wheel

·         Large Elevator/Rudder Combination (Balanced)

·         Vortex Generators


Highlander Media

2022 Home Build: Just Aircraft Highlander Kit Built Tailwheel Plane Walk Around. #Kitplane. #Tailwheel.

Highlander Goes Hollywood This is a short video of the Highlander “crash” from the filming of Let’s Stay Together on the BET network.

Highlander Does Demo A Highlander by Just Aircraft does a short take off and landing demo at OTX.

Inside the Highlander Dan Johnson Takes Us Inside the Highlander.

Sun n Fun 2008 Highlander from Sun ‘N Fun 2008.

Building & Flying the Highlander Video slide show of Highlander build process.

Joe Clark Blog